Armchair Adventures: How Writing Can Travel with Helen Mort
In this creative workshop, we’ll consider how we might broaden and extend our idea of ‘place writing’ in poetry and prose, with examples from the work of writers like Natalie Diaz, Jessica Andrews, Saba Sams and Kei Miller. We’ll think about the idea of travelling-without-leaving-home and consider how we write about what’s close to us, the landscapes we know, how we might find permission to do that, as well as how our thoughts and ideas might ‘travel’ through different genres, the freedoms enabled by form.
Helen Mort is a poet and novelist. Her collections Division Street and No Map Could Show Them are published by Chatto and her third, The Illustrated Woman is due in 2022. Her first work of non-fiction A Line Above The Sky is forthcoming from Ebury and blends nature writing, biography and memoir. She’s a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature and teaches at Manchester Metropolitan University.
Zoom captions will be available for this event.
Photo credit Emma Ledwith.