Furies: Stories of the Wicked, Wild and Untamed

Event information
Where: Gala Studio, 1 Millennium Place, Durham DH1 1WA
Date: Saturday 14 October
Time: 1:30-2:30pm
Cost: £5/£4 (live-stream ticket £4)
Type: Durham Book Festival
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Virago, the ground-breaking feminist publisher, 15 award-winning, bestselling authors were invited to write an original short story. Join author Kirsty Logan (Now she is Witch and The Unfamiliar: A Queer Motherhood Memoir) and graphic novelist Eleanor Crewes (The Times I Knew I was Gay), for a discussion inspired by this collection of feminist writing for our times. This entertaining and irresistible collection reclaims the words that have denigrated women through the years.
Chaired by Virago Publishing Director Carla Josephson.
This event has been produced by a team of programmers aged between 18-25, as part of the Turn Up for the Books scheme, supported by County Durham Community Foundation.