
Northern Bookshelf

New Writing North’s quarterly readers’ newsletter which highlights the best new books and news from the North of England

Our Northern Bookshelf newsletter goes out by email every quarter to subscribers. You can find out about new books coming out from Northern writers, events happening in the North, as well as hear from Northern publishers and bookshops. The newsletter features author interviews, news and recommendations from New Writing North staff and giveaways and special offers. 

Sign up to our Readers’ Newsletter 

If you are a writer or publisher who would like to suggest an author for the readers’ newsletter please email [email protected] with the subject Readers’ Newsletter.  

Please note that the newsletter is released in March, June, September and December and highlights the next three months of new releases from authors based in the North of England.  

Northern Bookshelf Live

Northern Bookshelf Live authors and book covers patchwork


We’re working with libraries across the North of England to connect readers with the best of Northern writers. Check out our new project, inspired by all the brilliant books on our growing Northern Bookshelf, and find out about author events happening in libraries near you…


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