Newcastle Young Songwriters
Event information
Where: Loft Music, 4th Floor, British India House, 15 Carliol Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6UF
Date: Not currently running
Cost: Free
Type: Groups , Young writers
We also have a Young Songwriters group in Newbiggin Hall at Galafield Centre. Find out more here.
Why join?
Try out songwriting or develop your musical talent in a free songwriting group led by professional musicians. Open to anyone aged 11-19. Everyone is welcome. No experience necessary. Bring along a musical instrument or just come along and give it a go!
This group is not currently running.
Loft Music, 4th Floor, British India House, 15 Carliol Square, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 6UF
If you require lift access to the space please let us know in advance and we will ensure the lift is accessible from street level.
For more information email [email protected]