
Multilingual Creators Facilitator Training: Call for Translators and Writers

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Multilingual Creators is a new creative learning programme from the Stephen Spender Trust [SST], the UK’s leading charity for multilingual creativity in schools. We are delighted to be a partner in this programme and to support the call-out for translators and writers.

In this first year, SST will train translators and writers from three regions in England to design and deliver creative translation activities in schools. These activities will transform the young participants into multilingual creators, able to access and interact with literature in multiple languages, and to use it as a springboard for their own creative writing.

Multilingual Creators builds on over a decade of education programmes at SST, comprising Translation Nation, Translators in Schools and Creative Translation in the Classroom.

We are recruiting 12 translators and writers who are based in or around our 3 target areas — Newcastle upon Tyne, Greater Manchester, and Norwich — to participate in a paid training opportunity. Having completed the training programme, participants will be invited to apply to deliver a blended course of workshops for young people in their region on the theme of ‘Me and My City’.

These courses are expected to take place in autumn 2021, and facilitators will be paid an additional freelance fee for this work. ‘Me and My City’ will see young participants producing and sharing pieces of translation and creative writing that incorporate the languages spoken by them and their communities, as well as those they are learning at school.


Training Dates

Training will take place from 10am-1pm on the following dates:

18 June, 25 June, 2 July, 9 July, 16 July.


Training Details

  • 5 virtual, half-day sessions in June and July 2021
  •  Short planning and design tasks to complete
  • £500 freelance fee paid to you upon completion of the programme


Benefits of Participating

  • Professional training in creative translation pedagogy and workshop facilitation
  • Possibility of delivering workshops as part of the ‘Me and My City’ project
  • Make connections with creative organisations, publishers, and fellow practitioners



We are looking for practising translators* and writers who:

  • are based in or within commutable distance of Newcastle upon Tyne or Norwich, or live in Greater Manchester metropolitan county
  • have knowledge of one or more language other than English
  • are interested in working with young people*Translators of all kinds of texts, including non-literary texts (sometimes referred to as ‘technical translators’), are encouraged to apply.We envisage that the training cohort will include participants representing a range of languages. We particularly welcome applications from groups which are currently under-represented in creative arts communities. Applicants must be able to attend all of the training sessions.


Application Process

We invite applications either in the form of a written statement (max. 700 words) or a video (max. 3 mins). In your application, please tell us about:

  • why you are interested in participating in the training programme
  • why you are interested in working with young people
  • your knowledge of other languages
  • your translation and/or creative writing experience
  • any other skills, knowledge, and experience you consider relevant toyour application

Please submit your applications via this form by 12 noon on 15 May 2021:

Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application by 28 May 2021. If you have any questions, please contact charlotte@stephen-

Download this call-out as a PDF here


Multilingual Creators: Me and My City is a partnership between the Stephen Spender Trust, National Centre for Writing, New Writing North and Comma Press. It is co-funded by these organisations, Arts Council England and Greater Manchester Combined Authority.