
New faces for Cuckoo Young Writers

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On 25 April a new term of Cuckoo Young Writers sessions begin, and not only is there a new group starting up in Amble, but there is a whole new set of writers and group leaders leading the sessions. If you (or the young person in your life) have ever wondered about getting involved, now may just be the time.

In Newcastle, poet John Challis and group leader Matt Wesolowski will be taking on poetry and performance, and delving into the poetry archive for inspiration.

Join in from Saturday 25 April at Northern Stage, from 11am-1pm

In Sunderland, songwriter and ex-Futurehead Barry Hyde and group leader Lizzie Nixon will be getting election-ready, and exploring protest songs and writing.

Join in from Saturday 25 April Pop Recs (Fawcett Street) from 11am-1pm

In Cramlington, writer and artist Stevie Ronnie and group leader Hannah Morpeth will be exploring poetry, people and place.

Join in from Saturday 25 April at Cramlington Library, from 11am-1pm

And in Amble, playwright Carina Rodney and group leader Emily Wiseman will be developing characters, plots and themes to create excellent stories.   

Join in from Saturday 25 April at Amble Library, from 10am-12pm

All sessions are FREE to attend for all 12-19 year old creative writers. If you’d like any more information, email [email protected] or phone 0191 204 8851.