
New Writing North call to tender: Visual identity

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1. Who we are:

New Writing North is the development agency for creative writing and reading in the North of England and an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation. We work in partnership with regional and national partners to produce a range of literary and performance activities including flagship projects such as the Northern Writers’ Awards, Cuckoo Young Writers, the Gordon Burn Prize and Durham Book Festival. We specialise in developing and investing in writers of all ages and act as a dynamic broker between writers, producers, publishers and broadcasters across the creative industries.

2. Design brief

New Writing North is looking to commission a designer to create a new logo set and visual identity.

The new identity will be applied across the New Writing North brand, including to the New Writing North website (which is also being redeveloped, see our other briefs); letterheads; business cards; press releases; printed marketing materials; banners; e-marketing and newsletters; and all of our social media channels.

In addition to New Writing North’s main brand, the organisation has several other existing project brands, two of which can be seen at The new logo and visual identity will need to work alongside these brands.

The logos and visual identity of two of our core projects, Northern Writers’ Awards and Read Regional, are based on the current New Writing North brand, and will need to be redeveloped at the same time.

We are looking to work with a designer on our visual identity, including:

• A logo set covering the main New Writing North brand, Northern Writers’ Awards and Read Regional, to work across print, digital and social media
• Colour palette
• Fonts

3. Timeline

Commission awarded: 1 March 2016
Initial design ideas: 22 March 2016
Final designs delivered: 15 April 2016

4. Project Management

Consultants will be expected to outline how they will manage the design and implementation of the project and the delivery to New Writing North.

Project Management Group
Claire Malcolm – Chief Executive
Rhys Bethell – Digital and Data Manager
Laura Fraine – Marketing and Communications Manager

5. Procurement

Submitting a proposal

The consultant should supply the following information:

1. Portfolio of relevant work.
2. Fixed price quotation for carrying out this work plus day rates for any additional work requested by the client.
3. Information on the availability of the consultant (s) to undertake this work between March and April 2016.
4. CV for the proposed consultant (s) who will personally deliver the project that should include details of their specific experience and expertise of the type required to deliver this project.
5. Proposal and methodology (including timetable) for carrying out the work.
6. (Max 3 x A4 pages), to include: Anticipated programme of work that identifies key stages and deliverables.
7. Contact details for 2 references from the last 2 years of relevant work experience.

Submission scoring

Applications for this work will be scored on the following criteria:

Quality of design ideas Examples / experience provided of similar types of work undertaken Quality of the proposal and methodology Value for money

Deadline for submissions: 12 noon on Friday 19 February 2016.

Proposals should be emailed to Laura Fraine [email protected]. Any queries in advance of submission can also be made to this contact by email or by phone on 0191 204 8850.

To download the brief as a PDF, please click here. To view other briefs that New Writing North have put out to tender, please go to our News section.