Opportunity: Creative Associate Residencies
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We are looking to appoint five writers or creatives to Creative Associates Residencies. Find out more and apply by Monday 31 July 2023.
We launched the Creative Associates programme in March 2022 to appoint writers and creatives to our staff team at a time of growth and development for NWN. Creative Associates bring fresh perspectives to the organisation, while being supported to develop their own creative projects and artistic practice. From 2023, this programme forms part of our Writing and Publishing Skills Hub and new appointments are supported with funding from North of Tyne Combined Authority.
Who is this opportunity for?
We are seeking five writers or creatives to take part in a six-month residency to create new artistic work. Please note, this project is funded by the North of Tyne Combined Authority and therefore only open to writers living in Newcastle, North Tyneside or Northumberland.
New Writing North strives to be a diverse and inclusive organisation. We aim to empower and enable artists who have been historically excluded to be the artists they want to be without any pressure of representation. We particularly encourage writers of colour, disabled writers, LGBTQI writers and writers from a socio-economic disadvantaged background.
What will you be expected to do?
We have no preconceptions about what that the artwork(s) may be (although it will involve writing in some form), we want to provide you with the time and space to create the work within our organisation.
There will be a budget of £5,000 for each artist to support the creation of the artwork(s). However New Writing North may be in a position to support further fundraising if your project requires it. We can also support you to access training and mentoring which will help you to deliver the project.
How to apply
To apply for a Creative Associates Residency, please complete this form by midday on Monday 31 July 2023. Please refer to the brief above.
We want to make sure all candidates can apply for our jobs and opportunities. If you have any access requirements at application and/or interview stage, please let us know at [email protected]
We will be holding an open access Zoom call with Anna Disley (Executive Director, Programme and Impact) and Grace Keane (Senior Programme Manager, Skills and Engagement) on Wednesday 14 June from 12pm – 1pm. You can sign up for this here.