
Partnerships with Sweden

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Earlier this year, the north east of England signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Västra Götaland region of Sweden. The partnership extends across a number of arts and cultural organisations as well as with businesses from the regions.

New Writing North was part of an official visit to Gothenburg earlier this year where we began discussions with a number of partners about possible international projects. Last week our chief executive, Claire Malcolm, and festival and events manager Rebecca Wilkie visited Gothenburg to meet with project partners and to visit the Gothenburg Book Fair.

It was a successful visit and a number of projects are now underway, including a wide-ranging writing and translation project and a working partnership with the Gothenburg Book Fair that will see writers from the North East visit the event next year and Swedish writers welcomed to Durham Book Festival.

Later this month we are co-hosting a visit to Newcastle from young theatre practitioners from Gothenburg in partnership with Northern Stage and Barnteaterakademin. We will also be welcoming project partners from across Europe to Newcastle at the end of October to work on project plans. The project is supported by Arts Council England and the North East Local Enterprise Partnership.