Read Regional 2017
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We’re thrilled to announce the 12 titles which will be part of our Read Regional campaign 2017.
Read Regional is a celebration of brilliant new books from the North, run by New Writing North in partnership with 23 library authorities. The campaign runs from March to June 2017, during which time the twelve writers will tour libraries, literary festivals and schools across the North of England. More than 80 inspiring author events will take place from Blackburn to Berwick, including workshops, book group discussions and readings.
The 2017 campaign encourages readers to ‘take a risk’ with their reading, by picking up a book by a new writer or by reading in a different genre. Ten of this year’s selected titles are debuts, and the wide variety of literary fiction, crime fiction, memoir, creative non-fiction, poetry and writing for children offers readers the chance to try something different.
The 2017 list contains a selection of exciting new books by some of the best contemporary writers in the North. Today, the Read Regional titles are named as:
Walking the Lights by Deborah Andrews (Freight)
The Lost Art of Sinking by Naomi Booth (Penned in the Margins)
The Confession of Stella Moon by Shelley Day (Contraband)
Streets of Darkness by A. A. Dhand (Transworld)
The Death’s Head Chess Club by John Donoghue (Atlantic)
You Could Do Something Amazing With Your Life [You Are Raoul Moat] by Andrew Hankinson (Scribe)
Greetings from Grandpa by Jack Mapanje (Bloodaxe)
Hard Wired by Kathleen McKay (Moth)
Katy Parker and the House That Cried by Margaret Mulligan (Bloomsbury)
The Lightless Sky by Gulwali Passarlay (Atlantic)
The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper by Phaedra Patrick (HarperCollins)
Every Little Sound by Ruby Robinson (Pavilion)