Should We Stay or Should We Go?
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Are you all about Anarchy in the UK (and ONLY the UK), or are you all aboard the Trans-Europe Express?
Although the EU Referendum may not sound that sexy (let’s face it, it sounds pretty boring), it’s happening on 23 June 2016 and young people’s views could tip the balance on whether to stay or go. We want you to have your say (even if you can’t have a vote!).
Join other young writers (aged 15-23) to create an alternative EU campaign zine. Whether you’re a young journalist, a poet, a dystopian fiction writer or a comic book artist, come and have your say on what Europe means to you—from Eurovision, football teams and pen pals to borders, identity, migration and human rights. We’re looking for everything from factual to fictional, journalistic to speculative, political to poetic.
Don’t worry if you don’t know much about the EU, you’ll have the opportunity to meet some EU experts (including an MEP and pro and anti-union academics) and you’ll be supported by writer Susannah Pickering who will provide creative prompts to support your writing. If you can’t make it to every session, don’t worry either. We know it’s a busy time (exams etc.) and we’ll try and make it as flexible as we can!
At the end of the five sessions, we’ll compile all the work into a lovely alternative EU campaign zine which will be distributed to opinion makers, news papers, MPs, schools, colleges and the rest.
Dates and times
Saturday 7 May: 2-4pm creative writing with Susannah Pickering Saturday 14 May: 2-5pm—An introduction to the EU followed by creative writing with Susannah Pickering Saturday 21 May: 2-4pm creative writing with Susannah Pickering Saturday 28 May: 2-5pm Meeting with Jude Kirton-Darling Labour Member of the European Parliament for the North East followed by creative writing session Wednesday 1 June: 5-7pm Conversation with EU experts from Northumbria University Saturday 4 June: 2-5pm creative writing with Susannah Pickering All sessions will take place in Room 8 at Newcastle Central Library If you’d like to sign up for any or all of the sessions or would like more information, please email [email protected] or phone 0191 204 8850 by Friday 6 May. Should We Stay or Should We Go? is a partnership project between New Writing North, Isis Arts, Juice Festival, Sage Gateshead and Northumbria University.