Anna Disley
Executive Director (Programme & Impact)
As part of the Executive team which identifies the organisation’s strategy, Anna is responsible for initiating and developing programmes of work, delivery partnerships, and funding models which engage people in NWN’s work, especially those from under-represented communities.
She oversees the programme at NWN which includes talent development programmes, events and festivals and extensive community engagement programmes.
Anna, joined as Education Director in 2002 when NWN was still a 2-person organisation, to develop the young people and community programmes. She has been part of the leadership team at New Writing North since 2003.
Besides working closely with writers and artists to realise their ambitions, Anna is interested the role of arts and culture in supporting connected communities, combatting loneliness and in promoting wellbeing and literacy.
She is Chair of Glow, Newcastle’s Cultural Education Partnership – a group of school and cultural leaders who aim to provide every young person in the city with a rich and accessible cultural offer. She is a Trustee of Threads in the Ground and is on the Board of Directors for digital start up, The Living Archive.