Caroline Greenwood Dower
Caroline Greenwood Dower is an independent psychotherapist, trainer and organisational consultant. Caroline has held posts as a Consultant Psychotherapist in the NHS and as the Head of Counselling and Mental Health Services at Durham University. Her current academic research focuses on the experience of anxiety in young adults. Caroline has a background in management consultancy and has held a number of governance roles in primary and higher education and for the psychotherapy profession.
“Reading and writing are powerful routes into understanding ourselves and others. I am a psychotherapist and my interest in supporting New Writing North springs from the links between writing in its all forms and our flourishing. Reading has always offered me rich insights. Libraries offered me a window on the world. I want the Northern voice to be a part of that world.
“I particularly appreciate NWN’s support for young people to write. There is a wealth of talent out there. Writing is not just for ‘writers’ – I love NWN’s commitment to encourage writing for its own sake – for pleasure, for connection and for understanding.”