
Writing Squad looking for young talent

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Do you know a young person between 16 and 21 who loves writing? They can be a poet, a prose writer or even scripting an online game. The Writing Squad is the writer development programme for young writers in the North of England and they’re looking for 30 talented young writers who live, work or study in the North of England. Successful applicants will receive tutoring from professional writers, feedback from tutors, four Squad days a year with professional writers, opportunities to work on literary projects, and support from a network of other young writers.

In return the young person will make a commitment to attend writing days in the North, have access to the internet, familiarity with social media, and an enthusiasm for writing. The Squad fits in around their life, with minimal set dates for events, and is entirely free.

To apply to join the Writing Squad, the young writer needs to send some examples of their writing (up to ten pages of prose/script or ten poems/songs, or URLs to the work online) with a cover note of no more than two pages telling the Writing Squad about themselves, their writing, and what they’d like the Squad to do for them.

To find out more about being a member of the Writing Squad watch this video.

Applications should be emailed as a Word or PDF attachment to [email protected].

Closing date is midnight Sunday 30 March 2014. A digital copy of the Writing Squad leaflet can be found here.